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  3. System Administrator Account

System Administrator Notification Template Creation Settings

There are notification options to be sent to your administrator, instructor and user accounts in your Vedubox system.

With the Create Notification Template setting, you can customize the notification options to be sent to users.

You can read our  SMS-Email-Message Settings article for more information about the notification options you want to be sent.

  • Log in to the system with your System Administrator account. 
  • Click on the Settings module, select Create Notification Template.

  • Notification Type: Allows you to choose from Email or SMS notification types.

You can contact our support team for SMS integration.

  • Template Types: Allows you to select the notification type to be sent.
  • Description: You can write the template you want to customize for the notification to be sent.
  • Active/Passive: Allows you to enable/disable the use of the customized template in the e-mails to be sent.
  • Preview: Allows you to see the e-mail to be sent from the user's point of view.

"*You can add the value you want to add to the appropriate place as in the example above.": It shows you to use the necessary codes to automatically add the necessary usage names in the description section.

Email Template Types

  • Announcement Reminder: The email notification type to be sent in the reminder processes for the announcements made.

  • Bulk User Registration: Email notification type to be sent when users are added to the system.

  • Course Assignment: The email notification type that will be sent when the user is assigned course.

  • Course Certificate: The type of email notification that will be sent when the user gets the certificate.

  • Course Completion: The type of email notification that will be sent when the user completes the course.

  • Creating a Live Course: The type of email notification that will be sent when you schedule a live courses.

  • Creating a Q&A: Email notification type to be sent to the instructor when the user question is created from the Q&A module.

  • Creating a Support Request: The email notification type to be sent when a request is created from the user support module.

  • Creating an Assignment: The type of email notification that will be sent when a task is assigned to the user.

  • Creating Announcements: Email notification type to be sent for the announcements to be created.

  • Creating Exam: The type of email notification that will be sent when the exam is assigned to the user.

  • Live Course Cancellation: Email notification type to be sent when you cancel your planned live courses.

  • Live Course Participation Request: If the Pre-Registration setting is active, the email notification type to be sent after the user completes the action that I will participate in the live courses.

  • Live Course Reminder: The type of email notification that will be sent when you make a reminder for your planned live courses.

  • Live Course Update: Email notification type to be sent when you update (Time/Duration/Date etc.) for your planned live courses.

  • Marketplace Purchase: Email notification type to be sent when a purchase is made from the Marketplace module.

  • Single User Registration: Email notification type to be sent when the user is added to the system.

  • User Registration Confirmation: If the E-Mail Verification On Registration setting is turned on, the confirmation email notification type that will be sent when the user registers in the system.

SMS Template Types

  • Bulk User Registration: SMS notification type to be sent when users are added to the system.

  • Course Assignment: SMS notification type to be sent when course assignment is made to the user.

  • Create a Live Course: The type of SMS notification to be sent when you schedule a live course.

  • Creating Exam: SMS notification type to be sent when the user is assigned an exam.

  • Live Course Cancellation: SMS notification type to be sent when you cancel your planned live courses.

  • Live Course Reminder: SMS notification type to be sent when you make a reminder for your planned live courses.

  • Live Course Update: SMS notification type to be sent when you update (Time/Duration/Date etc.) for your planned live courses.

  • Single User Registration: SMS notification type to be sent when the user is added to the system.