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How to Integrate Vedubox with Zoom?

In order to integrate your Zoom account into your Vedubox system, it is necessary to obtain the api keys required by Zoom.

  • Sign in to your Zoom account from https://zoom.us/signin.

  • Click on the "Marketplace" option under the Solutions/Developer Platform Title.

  • Accept the "Zoom's Marketplace Term of Use" agreement by clicking the "Agree" button.

  • After logging into the Marketplace area, click on the "Build Server to Server App" option under the Develop heading at the top right.

Accept the "Zoom's API License and Term of Use" agreement by clicking the "Agree" button.

  • Type the desired information in the App Name field and select Create.

  • Save the "Account ID", "Client ID" and "Client Secret" information in the App Credentials title in the "Custom Zoom Integration Settings" field under Settings/System Integration settings in your Vedubox system. Select Save below. Return to the Zoom screen and select Continue.

  • Enter the information in the Information header. Please select Continue.

  • Select continue without making any action in the Feature title.

Select "+ Add Scopes" in the Scopes header. 

  • Search and select the following items in the search field
meeting:read:past_meeting:admin View a past meeting        
meeting:read:meeting:admin View a meeting        
meeting:read:list_meetings:admin View a user's meetings        
meeting:read:participant:admin View a meeting's participant        
meeting:read:list_past_instances:admin View a past meeting's instances        



View a meeting's polls        



meeting:write:meeting:admin Create a meeting for a user        
meeting:update:meeting:admin Update a meeting        
meeting:write:registrant:admin Add a registrant to a meeting        
meeting:write:poll:admin Create a poll for a meeting        
meeting:update:poll:admin Update a meeting's poll        



report:read:list_webinar_polls:admin View webinar poll reports        
report:read:list_meeting_participants:admin View meeting participant reports        
report:read:meeting:admin View meeting detail reports        
report:read:webinar:admin View webinar detail reports        
report:read:list_webinar_participants:admin View webinar participant reports        
report:read:list_meeting_polls:admin View meeting poll reports        



View all user information
user:read:settings:admin View a user's settings        



View a user        

View users information and manage users


user:write:user:admin Create a user        
user:update:user:admin Update a user        
user:update:settings:admin Update a user's settings        



webinar:read:poll:admin View a webinar's poll        
webinar:read:list_webinars:admin View a user's webinars        
webinar:read:webinar:admin View a webinar        
webinar:read:list_registrants:admin View a webinar's registrants        
webinar:read:participant:admin View a webinar's participant        
webinar:read:list_polls:admin View a webinar's polls        
View and manage all user Webinars
webinar:delete:webinar:admin Delete a webinar        
webinar:delete:poll:admin Delete a webinar's poll        
webinar:update:webinar:admin Update a webinar        
webinar:write:registrant:admin Add a registrant to a webinar        
webinar:write:webinar:admin Create a webinar for a user        
webinar:write:poll:admin Create a poll for a webinar        
webinar:update:poll:admin Update a webinar's poll        

  • Select "Activate your app" in the Activation header.

  • You can now successfully use your Zoom account on your Vedubox system.

You can find detailed information about the use of the Vedubox Live module here.


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