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Vedubox Licensing Model

The Vedubox platform offers two different licensing models: user-based and active user-based usage options. The explanation of these two models is as follows:

1. Registered User-Based Model (Registered Users)

How Does It Work?
In this model, an account is created for each user who will use the platform, and the pricing is based on the number of registered users. Registered users are counted regardless of whether they log into the system or not.

Example: If you are paying for 100 registered users, you will continue to pay the license fee as long as their accounts exist on the platform, even if they are not actively using it.

This model provides the advantage of a fixed user count and is ideal for educational projects with a broad user base. It is not necessary for all users to be active at the same time.

Who Is It Suitable For?
It is suitable for large organizations, companies with continuous training needs, and projects with a stable user count.

2. Monthly Active User-Based Model (Active Users per Month)

How Does It Work?
In this model, you only pay for the users who have logged into the system during a specific month. If a user does not use the platform that month, you are not charged for that user. In other words, only active users are included in the licensing cost.

Example: If you have 2,000 users, but only 500 were actively using the platform during the month, you only pay for those 500 active users.

This model makes costs more flexible when the use of training or the platform is irregular, with varying numbers of users logging in during different months.

Who Is It Suitable For?
It is ideal for projects where the number of users fluctuates and not all users are regularly active. For example, it may be suitable for companies offering project-based training or organizations with irregular training needs.

The choice between these two models depends on the structure of your organization and how your users interact with the platform.

Requirement: A minimum purchase of 300 users is required.

For more information about Zoom, you can contact our Sales or Support teams:

For detailed technical information:
Phone: +90 850 840 59 79
Email: support@vedubox.com

For pricing and plans:
Phone: +90 850 840 60 59
Email: sales@vedubox.com

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