- Added list filters to the support module.
- While the announcement is being updated, the e-mail sending area on the update screen removed.
- The ability to upload files specific to instructor has been added to the library.
By selecting the Custom option, a special folder can be created for the instructors in their units and content can be added.
If the public option is selected, the custom option cannot be selected, and if the custom option is selected, the public option cannot be selected.
- In the Event Manager module, a link to the system home page has been placed in the logo. When you click on the logo, you are redirected to the main page.
- The commission rate (as a percentage) information has been added in the payment transaction.
- Added the ability to create custom exams.
Two different publishing types were created as "Catalog Subscription" and "User".
The Catalog Subscription type is for users who receive the catalog subscription, User type is for users by units.
- Users registered to the system in the Marketplace module have been enabled to log in to the system as active users if there is a registered catalog subscription in their unit.
- The appearance in the payment information section of the instructor profile settings has been adjusted, and the long text input fields have been reduced.
- General reporting improvements were made.
Developed reports:
General Report:
-Course Report
-Course Detail Report
-Record Area Report
Course Based:
-Status report
-User Progress Report
- While adding the announcement, the window picture and attachment files fields were arranged in the same standard. Press the record and there will be editing.
- Right of use message is provided when users start the tests in the courses.
- Appearance fixes were made in Corporate Info and Gamification modules.
- When updating a note added to a user, the preform does not close after save, it has been fixed.
- After the administrator account tells a user to save in the Role Menu structure in modules, the form does not close, it has been fixed.
- Default language list was not fully visible in user profile settings, fixed.
- "Activate when catalog is complete" option is not appearing after some content in an open tutorial, fixed.
- Minor language fixes were made in Logs and Settings modules.
- When uploading the profile photo in the profile settings, the previous picture disappears after the incoming message because it is more than 2 MB.
- In the process of self-registration to the system, there is no registered user or registered e-mail message with the same name in the system.
- The update content icon on the help page has been changed.
- In the live query screen, only the search part can be entered and the listed data can be exported.
- The option to update a creature created in the External Live other type has been activated.