Release & Improvement Notes 28 March 2024

1- Admin & Moderator – Live – Participants page, Number of participants and See unique participants features have been added.

When we check the "See unique participants" box, users' Join Time - Leave Time and The total duration of stay can be viewed.


2- User – Payment summary of the purchased training on the Marketplace page
was enabled to be displayed.


3- Admin - Courses - "Profile" tab has been added to the Courses page.


4- Admin - Courses - "Content" tab has been added to the Courses page.


5- - In the Vedubox Tutor system, It has been made that the instructor / moderator able to add blog categories.


6- Admin - Brances - Using the Add button, creating a new branch with the same name as an existing branch in the system is prevented. 

If there is an existing branch with that name while creating the parent and child branches, a new branch with the same name will not be created. Different parent branches and sub-branches can be created with the same name.

7- Admin - Categories - Using the Add button, creating a new category with the same name as an existing category in the system is prevented.

If there is an existing category with that name while creating the parent and child categories, a new category with the same name will not be created. Different parent categories and sub-categories can be created with the same name.


8- Admin - Settings - General - On the "Limit Online Time" section, "Weekly Limit" setting feature added. When this feature is enabled, the user will not be able to log in to the system when the weekly period exceeds the specified time.


9- Admin - Moderator - Courses - Certificate verify button added to the Course's Certificates tab. 

User - Courses - "Verify" button added to the "My Certificates" tab. 


10- Admin - Settings - "Forum Admin Approval" feature has been added to the forum page.

A warning message will be given when other roles try to post in the forum.

When "OK" is selected from the warning window that opens, the message will appear in the Admin's "Posts Awaiting Approval".
When user press the "Approval" button in the Admin role, this message will be moved to the "Published Posts" area.


11- Social module has been added to the admin role.


12- Admin - Settings - "User Can Add Group In Social Module" feature has been added to the General tab's Social Module. 

When the related feature setting is on, the user will be able to add groups in the social module and will be able to see other users.


13- Admin - Settings - "If There Are Comments And Likes On The Post, It Can Be Edited" and "Shares Can Be Edited In The Social Module" features have been added to the general tab.


14- When the "Shares Can Be Edited In The Social Module" feature is turned on, the comments made can be edited.


15- Educational progress information has been added to the API Pages/api/getUserResultsForCourse



  • On the User – Live page, the description when we click on the Moderator / Instructor name has been corrected.
  • The date information in the createBranch and createCategory APIs has been corrected.
  • getPaymentsWithDate API has been improved.
  • User - Profile - Vimeo contents in the "My Files" tab could not be downloaded, this has been fixed.
  • Images containing blog content on the blog section and landing page were not coming as suitable for frames. The problem is fixed.
  • Appearance corrections have been made on the Courses – Profile page, spacing between tabs
    was left. Tags info has been edited.
  • The time were displayed incorrectly in the createBranch and createCategory APIs, this problem has been fixed.