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  2. Vedubox
  3. System Administrator Account

Payment Settings

This article is about the Payment settings in the Administrator account.

Note: This setting only applies to users using the e-commerce, portal.


After you log in to your administrator account, click on the Settings module.


You can set the payment information from the Payment section in the Settings module.


Descriptions of the features;

Payment Enabled

From this option, you can enable and disable the payment feature.

Iyzico (Commonly used in Turkey)

iyzico Protected Bank Transfer method allows your customers to pay as they like while you increase your sales.

When you enable Iyzico, you will be able to enter the "Iyzico API Id" and "Iyzico API Secret" 

Paypal (International)

PayPal is an online payment system that makes paying for things online. Its commonly used for international online payment.

When you enable Paypal, you will be able to enter the "Paypal Client Id" and "Paypal Secret". You can also enable Paypal Live

Stripe (International)

Stripe is a payment service provider that customers can use to accept dozens of payment methods, from credit cards to buy now, pay later services. It charges a fee on each transaction.

When you enable Stripe, you will be able to enter the your "Stripe Publishable key" and "Stripe Secret Key".