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How to Integrate Vedubox with Vimeo?

In order to integrate your Vimeo account with your Vedubox system, it is necessary to obtain the necessary information from Vimeo.

To integrate your Vimeo account with your Vedubox system, you can contact our support team. 

Mail : supportteam@vedubox.com


Follow the relevant steps below. app name(1), description (2), term of use (3)  , mark yes and click Create App


In the next screen mark as authenticated you and click all scopes and click Generate button.


and copy to Token.

  • image-png-Mar-16-2024-11-00-21-6114-AMLogin to your Vedubox system with your Administrator account.
  • For Vimeo  information in Settings/System & Integration, activate vimeo private account, you must use the information you just created.
  • Paste Token in to the fill in the Vimeo Access Token blank


For vimeo preset id, log in to vimeo.

Click to profil button and click to settings.


Click Videos, Embed Presets and Add new preset.


Select Always hide for Portrait , Title and Byline  

For the checkbox options, select the options in the examples.


Copy the numbered id written in the domain


Paste in to the vedubox system & integration setting > Vimeo Preset Id  area


and go down the page Save it .


Finally, make the video upload settings.

Click Videos and Upload defaults.

Choose your preset and  choose  Hide from Vimeo .


Choose only sites I choose for your videos security.

You should add your vedubox domain. You can add one more domain and savet it.




Our integration settings are completed.


To get more information about Vimeo & Vedubox, you can contact our Sales team or Support team.

For detailed technical information;

Phone: +90 850 840 59 79

Whatsapp: +90 549 657 42 06 

+90 549 657 4220

Email: support@vedubox.com

For detailed information about prices and plans;

Phone: +90 850 840 60 59

Whatsapp: +90 546 646 86 54

Email: sales@vedubox.com

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