Users can easily create one-on-one Guide Appointment within the criteria set by the system administrator and instructor through the Guide Appointment module.
Log in with your system administration account to your Vedubox system.
Click on the Appointments in the left menu.
You can edit your settings related to Guide Appointments from the Settings area.
According to the “Creation Method”, there are two options: 'Courses' or Moderators.' Depending on this setting, users can schedule guidance appointment requests either through courses or moderators.
You can set the “Appointment Durations” as you wish, ranging from 15, 20, 30, 40, 45, to 60 minutes.
“Default Appointment Creation Time Limits” specifies the number of appointments a user can request within one month
“Appointment Meeting Type” is selected from the dropdown menu based on your license.
After completing the settings in this section, the instructor who will provide Guidance Appointments must activate the 'Accept Appointments' setting from the 'Instructors' section by clicking 'Update'.
If the 'Guidance Moderator’ setting here is activated, the instructor can see all users in their unit and make changes on the user update screen.
"The instructor can set the hours during which they will accept appointments from the 'Appointments' section in the left menu, and users can request appointments based on these hours.
The created Guidance Appointment Live Broadcasts are displayed in the instructor's Live Calendar section with the 'Appointment' label.
Users can create a new Live Appointment by clicking the “Make An Appointment' button in the Live tab, selecting the relevant course or instructor, and viewing the scheduled hours for appointments. By choosing one of the available time slots when the instructor is available and clicking 'Save,' the appointment is created.
Users can create counseling appointments from the Live tab and view counseling appointments labeled with the 'Appointment' tag.