Creating an External Live Lesson

  • Login to your Vedubox system with your teacher username and password.

1 login en

  • Select "Profile" from the menu on the left.

2 profie en

  • On the page that opens, select the "External Live Lesson Link" option.

3 external en

  • Write the link from the live broadcast platform you want to use in the relevant section and select the "update" option. If a platform link different from the specified menus will be added, you can also use it.

Note: For example, you can add the "Webex" link to the field that says Skype.


  • Select the "Live" module from the menu on the left.
  • Select the "Add External Live Lesson" option at the top of the Live module.

5 external live

  • Select the relevant course.

6 course en

  • Select the relevant platform you edited earlier from the external link option.

7 link en

  • External live training link will appear automatically. Next, select the save option.

8 link and save en-1



  • When you select the Custom option, you can also create a special live for certain users who have received this training.
  • If you choose the links you create as fixed, you can schedule live training/meetings on the same link continuously.

You can access the related video for External Live Course Creation here.