Select the "Videos" option on the left and select the video you want to copy the Id.
Copy the numerical code in the URL section above on the page that opens.
Login to your Vedubox system with your "Admin" or "Teacher/Manager" username and password.
In the "Courses" module, click on the three dots on the coruse you want to add the video to.
In the window that opens, select the "Edit Content" option.
On the page that opens, select the "Add Resource" option in the "Subject" heading where you want to add the video.
On the page that opens, select "Video" as the resource type and "Vimeo" as the video server.
After entering the required information below, tick the "Vimeo Id" box and paste the Vimeo Id you received from Vimeo in the box on the right. Then select "Save"
The video you want to add with Vimeo Id will be successfully added. Finally, you can complete your transactions by saving the changes you have made with the "Finish Editing" option.
In addition, by activating the "Vimeo" box on the video content adding screen, you can upload your videos only in the relevant subject via Vimeo with the "Batch Record" option at the bottom.
You can download the Excel file with the "Download" button on the page that opens, and after entering your video information into the file, you can upload the file with the "Upload" button and perform batch creating.